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  • OrdnanceSurvey1911_NLSMaps_533x525
    Curling on the Pollok Estate

      Let Glasgow flourish, but do not let her forget the example of the curlers to whom she owes so much of her success, and who owed so much of their success to the curling by which they lightened the burdens of civic and commercial care. [1.] The remaining pond   I was taking a […]

  • Figure 2_688x743
    Quoiting in Govanhill

      The St. Andrew’s Quoiting Club on Butterbiggins Road   From the late 1890s until about 1928, a small patch of ground just off Butterbiggins Road, near what we now call Eglinton Toll, was used to play one of the oldest games in the world – quoits – and was home to one of Glasgow’s […]

  • Shawfield Stadium gates. 1937 courtesy of Glasgow City Archives
    Art Deco fragments of Shawfield Stadium

      Places have their own private and public life and can feel haunted in multiple ways: some because they’ve changed but remain familiar; others because they spark vivid personal memories difficult to express in words, embodying fragments of times past that we can’t – for better or for worse – return to.   They help […]

  • Photo of Pollok Free State treehouse from Spectrum magazine, 1995
    The Pollok Free State Story Connecting with Young People Decades On

      In a recent blog post I highlighted material from our archive collection on the No M77 and Pollok Free State protests. I have since been in conversation with artists Hannah Brackston and Dan Sambo, currrent artists in residence in the ward of Pollok.   Here they describe how they have been drawing upon the […]

  • Polmadi on the Blaeu Atlas of Scotland, 1654
    Polmadie and the Ancient Hospital of St John the Apostle

      Bruce Downie immerses himself in some of the oldest known references to Polmadie, and explores the history of the ancient hospital. Get lost in a world of medieval references and travel through Polmadie’s history via kings, popes, pigs and recycling.   In the 19th century, Polmadie, just east of what we now know as […]

  • Nurses and VADs
    The True Story of a First World War Nurse from Crosshill

    Mary Mortimer Geddes   My great aunt Mary died when I was a baby. I don’t recall meeting her. She was my father’s maternal aunt. My mother told me when I was older that she was a nurse during World War One and showed me a family album with her photo in nurse’s uniform. When […]

  • map hampden
    First Hampden Archaeological Excavations

    The bowling green ultrasound aims to seek out the centre spot and maybe some old pitch lines like penalty areas. The recreational ground dig aims to find evidence of the grandstand. And the rose garden dig hopes to find remains of the clubhouse.

  • SGHET_PFS_BabyYouCan’tDrive02 thumbnail
    Pollok Free State: Archive Selections and Reflections

    Thanks to these generous donations there is a lot to be found within the archive.

  • Battlefield Historic Enviro

      Battlefield Rest is an Edwardian former tramcar shelter, once considered ‘the most exotic tram shelter in Scotland’ (Battlefield Rest: About). The building has had quite a history, involving disputes over a replica tram tearoom, and current closure threats as the result of increased business rates of 400%. The shelter was designed by Frank Burnet and […]

  • Mary_Barbour_3
    Mary Barbour

    1875-1958 Govan Mary Barbour, based in Govan, is most famous for leading what was known as Mrs. Barbour’s Army in the Glasgow Rent Strikes of 1915. She was born and raised in Renfrewshire, the third of seven children, to carpet weaver parents. She worked as a thread twister until she married David Barbour and moved […]
