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  • OrdnanceSurvey1911_NLSMaps_533x525
    Curling on the Pollok Estate

      Let Glasgow flourish, but do not let her forget the example of the curlers to whom she owes so much of her success, and who owed so much of their success to the curling by which they lightened the burdens of civic and commercial care. [1.] The remaining pond   I was taking a […]

  • RoysMapOfTheLowlands_NLS_522x533
    Pollok Toon – Glasgow Southside’s vanished village

      If you’ve ever been to Pollok House and stood on the old bridge across the White Cart River you might be forgiven for believing that the view you see is timeless. On one side sits the stately mansion, high on its mound surrounded by rich foliage; on the other side, empty fields with an […]

  • Photo of Pollok Free State treehouse from Spectrum magazine, 1995
    The Pollok Free State Story Connecting with Young People Decades On

      In a recent blog post I highlighted material from our archive collection on the No M77 and Pollok Free State protests. I have since been in conversation with artists Hannah Brackston and Dan Sambo, currrent artists in residence in the ward of Pollok.   Here they describe how they have been drawing upon the […]

  • Photo of Kinning Park Complex. Photo credit, Julian Bailey
    New Report: Why Do Historic Places Matter?

    South Glasgow is the proud home of several historic architectural gems, the most well-known being Pollok House.  It is maintained and funded by the National Trust for Scotland, which itself was established in this Maxwell family home in 1931.  Places like Pollok House are preserved, in the words of NTS, to ‘encourage people to connect […]

  • SGHET_PFS_BabyYouCan’tDrive02 thumbnail
    Pollok Free State: Archive Selections and Reflections

    Thanks to these generous donations there is a lot to be found within the archive.

  • Pollok Free State Banner
    The Pollok Free State and its Legacy

    In the early 1990s, local communities gained international attention for protesting against having their access to the park obstructed by a motorway.

  • Sir John Stirling Maxwell
    The Maxwells of Pollok

    20 minute read Introduction to The Maxwells The Maxwells, particularly the Stirling Maxwells, have had a significant impact on the local area. Most people will have benefitted in some form from their generosity whether that is attending an event in Pollokshaws Burgh Hall, attending the Sir John Maxwell School (before it was closed), walking through […]
