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  • LangsideSynagoguE_967X866
    Queen’s Park Synagogue and Langside Synagogue

    Queen’s Park and Langside synagogues form a fascinating part of South Glasgow’s heritage.

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    The Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women

    The Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women (known as Glasgow Samaritan Hospital for Women from 1886 – 1907) was established in 1886.

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    Maxwell Park and Pollokshields Burgh Hall

    In 1887, Scottish politician, baronet, and philanthropist Sir John Stirling Maxwell gifted the land that is now Maxwell Park to the burgh of Pollokshields, for the development of Pollokshields Burgh Halls and public gardens. The area was entirely agricultural until 1850.

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    Tramway is a contemporary theatre and art space that used to be a Transport Museum, and before that, a tram shed.

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    Battlefield Monument

    Langside Battlefield Memorial Langside Battlefield Memorial was erected in 1887 to commemorate the defeat of Mary Queen of Scots at the Battle of Langside, 300 years after her death. It marks the spot where Mary’s forces fought those of her half-brother, James Stewart, Regent Moray, on May 13th, 1568. The memorial stands at roughly 18 […]

  • Battlefield Historic Enviro

      Battlefield Rest is an Edwardian former tramcar shelter, once considered ‘the most exotic tram shelter in Scotland’ (Battlefield Rest: About). The building has had quite a history, involving disputes over a replica tram tearoom, and current closure threats as the result of increased business rates of 400%. The shelter was designed by Frank Burnet and […]

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    Govanhill Baths

    In Use 1917 – present 99 Calder St, Glasgow G42 7RA It has been a long campaign, but Govanhill Baths are set to reopen soon thanks to the hard work of local people. In 1914 the Lord Provost of Glasgow, Sir Daniel Macaulay Stevenson, laid the foundation stone of Govanhill Baths, complete with a time […]

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    Bailie (James) Martin Fountain

    The Bailie (James) Martin Fountain stands close to the People`s Palace in Glasgow Green but originally stood outside Langside Halls This elaborate cast-iron Moorish canopy was erected in 1893 to honour James Martin (1815-92). James Martin was a senior councillor (local bailie) represented Whitevale Ward from 1870, the Town’s Master of Works, a member of […]

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    First Hampden

    In Use 1873-1884 10 Kingsley Ave, Crosshill   Hampden Bowling Club sits on the 1st Hampden Park. This fact was lost for over 113 years. Yes – Scotland didn’t know where its true home of Scottish Football was. There was no map that people knew of. People know about the current Hampden and some even […]

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    Crossmyloof Ice Rink

    Opened 1907 Closed 1986 Memories of Crossmyloof Ice Rink, Glasgow. by Kenny McKie. It wasn’t much, but it was home. I first laced on a pair of skates at the old Crossmyloof Ice Rink in Glasgow. Nothing exceptional in that you might think, unless you had been there. It was a dump. Don’t get me […]
