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  • Photo of Kinning Park Complex. Photo credit, Julian Bailey
    New Report: Why Do Historic Places Matter?

    South Glasgow is the proud home of several historic architectural gems, the most well-known being Pollok House.  It is maintained and funded by the National Trust for Scotland, which itself was established in this Maxwell family home in 1931.  Places like Pollok House are preserved, in the words of NTS, to ‘encourage people to connect […]

  • SGHET_PFS_BabyYouCan’tDrive02 thumbnail
    Pollok Free State: Archive Selections and Reflections

    Thanks to these generous donations there is a lot to be found within the archive.

  • Pollok Free State Banner
    The Pollok Free State and its Legacy

    In the early 1990s, local communities gained international attention for protesting against having their access to the park obstructed by a motorway.
