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  • My beautiful picture
    Doune Castle – Shawlands’ forgotten music venue

      Local folk passing the unloved and empty Poundworld shopfront on Kilmarnock Rd may not know of its colourful past and the contribution it made to the Scottish music scene in the 1970s and 1980s.     Some key and influential names in Scottish, UK and global rock and pop plied their musical skills and […]

  • Shawfield Stadium gates. 1937 courtesy of Glasgow City Archives
    Art Deco fragments of Shawfield Stadium

      Places have their own private and public life and can feel haunted in multiple ways: some because they’ve changed but remain familiar; others because they spark vivid personal memories difficult to express in words, embodying fragments of times past that we can’t – for better or for worse – return to.   They help […]

  • LyceumGovan1_20June20_1200x971
    Renewing Lyceum Govan’s faded ambition

    How did this grand Streamline International Style cinema come to be, what does it tell us about Glasgow’s Art Deco era and where next after 15 years lying empty?

  • James Miller's Leyland Motors
    James Miller’s Art Deco Leyland Motors

    Can this derelict Art Deco icon in Glasgow’s Southside be reanimated?
