Schools from across South Glasgow (P6-S3 classes) have fashioned their own models of local Art Deco buildings. Come to our Community Exhibition & Celebration Day where the pupils will showcase their creations and get feedback from our Community Panel!
BOOK HERE (free but registration required):
VENUE: 170 Queen’s Drive, Glasgow G42 8QZ
12.25 – Doors open
12.35 – Introductions of the Challenge exhibition themes, school teams, and Community Panel members.
Then tour the models before the big finale of the shared Feedback Session!
Event ends 2.20pm
On the cusp of Art Deco’s Centenary in 2025, Glasgow Southside is out in front, taking creative inspiration from the architectural icons of our Art Deco landscape where it really matters… at the community level.
With a new generation discovering this era and unleashing their creative design skills in parallel with the incorporation of recycled materials… new perspectives will emerge about the sustainability of these gems, their potential for adaptive re-use, and their place in shaping the city’s identity and Glasgow’s future.
Photos of the models will be added to an Online Gallery launching later in 2025 during the Centenary year.
Join us to see our Art Deco landmarks through the next generation’s eyes.
Meet our Community Panel
Many thanks to our project funders Historic Environment Scotland and The National Lottery Heritage Fund.
For more regular updates on the Art Deco Southside Alive! project and our other activities, follow us:
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