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Closed 1958

Since its closure in 1958 and later liquidation in 1960 the Dixons Ironworks has been a strong part of the historic past of the Gorbals and those who are able to recall its physical dominance within the area have similar memories of this part of the environment that was known to “light up the sky with a glow of red in the night”

Through recollections from individual recordings, anecdotes and past newspaper articles SGHET has been working on archiving information on this unique (and now gone) part of the Gorbals’ rich historical jigsaw.

More info coming soon!

1 reply added

  1. Ronnie July 10, 2024 Reply

    Memories from my childhood many years ago my faither drove for the British Road Services (BRS) somewhere around Dixon Ironworks although I think he called it Dixons Blazes and I seem to remember seeing the night sky lit up and ocassion sparks flying up in the air… I think that was maybe the mid to late 1950s.
    I emigrated to Canada in 1976 in search of Fame & Fortune & I just found this wee page

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