Cathcart Heritage Trail walks 2023
Join us on Friday 15th or Saturday 16th September as part of Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival 2023!
The sights, sounds and scents of scenic Cathcart are perfectly in tune with this year’s Festival theme: ‘The Sensory City’… and as always, water, whether the White Cart that powered the bygone mills and fuelled the growth of this once remote village, or the rain, which may precipitate on our walk, is an elemental factor in the Glasgow experience.
Booking required – book here on Eventbrite when bookings open at 10am on Friday 1st September.
Join us on Saturday 1st July at 1.30pm for the first of our #SouthGlasgowHeritageTrails walks of the summer, and our first guided walk in this picturesque Southside locality.
The rich history, bygone industrial heritage, and dramatic natural landscape of the former village of Cathcart make it the unique place it is today…
Come along to learn about castles and churches, royalty and rebellion, bygone industrial mills and workers cottages, artists and architects, drumlins, roads and railways – all of which played their part in the timeline of a humble village that became a stylish Victorian suburb of Scotland’s only metropolis.
Local resident & heritage enthusiast Dougie McLellan will lead the tour, and provide images of paintings, lost mills, and bygone streetscapes which the tour will traverse that cast Cathcart in a new light, joining the dots between its current ambience and remarkable genesis – with the ever-flowing waters of the White Cart river snaking around the area and through the centuries being a key character in its own right.
#CathcartHeritageTrail on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
NB: Our events book-up quickly – follow us on Eventbrite to be notified instantly when bookings open for this and other events.

Find the full Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival programme here:
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